19 08, 2024

LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan

2024-09-05T10:24:42-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-language, reg-semester, registration|

LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan (continued) Also taught by Nima Bhuti, this course is a continuation of the 2024  Summer Institute intermediate colloquial Tibetan course. This course is for students with an established grounding in colloquial Tibetan. The focus will be to gain further fluency in reading, speaking, listening, and understanding Tibetan using the Central Tibetan dialect. Classes are mostly Tibetan with minimal English. Required Texts: Speak Fluent Tibetan by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok (Google Books) Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way by Nyima Dekyi (Google Books) PREREQUISITE: Although this is a continuing course from the 2024 Summer Institute, you are

9 08, 2024

BUD 502 Clear Thinking 清晰思辨

2024-09-02T20:54:23-07:00Categories: reg-semester, registration|

BUD 502 清晰思辨 教授: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} 该课程有两个目的:A)从性相、同义词、分类的角度阐述“所知”,教导来源于阿毗达磨的入门文本《摄类学》。B)从辩经传统中的现象的四种关系的角度,学习清清晰晰的思辨。我们将在轻松的环境中,作辩经的基础训练。 资格要求: 无 所需教材: 《摄类学》,阿阇梨喇嘛滇巴嘉诚,了义学院出版  《清晰思辨练习本》,了义学院出版 日期和時間: {!{types field='dow'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='course-dates'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='meeting-times'}!}{!{/types}!} 學費: ${!{types field='course-cost' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} 註冊即將開始 了義學院的財務援助計劃由學院的同學們捐款資助,旨在支持那些沒有這種援助就無法參加課程的同學。 如您覺得需要申請,請在您報名注册前提交 PPFA 學費援助申請表 。 WHAT YOU WILL BE INTRODUCED TO: (This is a small sampling of the topics covered in this course.) Explore the thought process of mind. Discover how to gently guide your ego into egolessness. Practice the basic techniques that are used in the subsequent debate courses. Learn the vocabulary that is used by all of Nitartha’s shedra studies, including explanations,

22 07, 2024

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I

2024-08-14T17:21:41-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Course Description: This course is a systematic training in the meditation of special insight following the approach of the Abhidharma tradition. Students learn the skills to gain certainty in the view of selflessness through the practice of the Four Applications of Mindfulness, cultivating inferential wisdom and bringing it to personal experience. Additional Course Description: Through a series of analytical meditations, students will train in the sequential entry into the view of identitylessness - dependent origination with the support of the scriptural sutras of the foundational vehicle and mahayana, and following the matrix of the four noble truths:

13 12, 2022

BUD 553 Collected Topics Debate I

2024-08-09T11:55:37-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 553 Collected Topics Debate I FACULTY: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} This foundation debate course offers a methodical training in elementary debate skills on the basis of the Clear Thinking course. Students train in formulating reasonings with correct and seeming reasons and utilize them in debate by learning how to challenge the first mode (the relationship between the subject and the reason). The debate content consists of the classification of objects in terms of entity from Collected Topics. PREREQUISITE: BUD 502 REQUIRED TEXTS: None DATES & TIMES: {!{types field='dow'}!}{!{/types}!} {!{types field='course-dates'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='meeting-times'}!}{!{/types}!} COST: ${!{types field='course-cost' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Nitartha’s Payment Plan

13 12, 2022

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning

2024-08-09T11:50:03-07:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Advanced Curriculum, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration, Valid Cognition|

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Course Description: This course is the continuation (Chapter 4) of an in-depth study of Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning, (tshad ma rigs gter) by renowned scholar Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) – an influential work that inaugurated a new period of pramana studies in Tibet by focusing particularly on Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika and identifying the errors of earlier Tibetan scholars, especially Chapa Chökyi Senge. We will study Sakya Pandita’s seminal work on the basis of the commentary by Jamyang Loter Wangpo (1847-1914). In this course, we will continue our study of chapter 4 on “The

24 07, 2022

BUD 620 Paths and Bhumis

2024-10-14T10:43:02-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 620 Paths & Bhumis: The Path to Enlightenment FACULTY: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} This course is an exposition of the Buddhist path based on The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge root text. Students learn what is necessary for entering and progressing on the path and what the goal of spiritual journey is, through exploring the five paths,¿ and the ten bodhisattva bhūmis, as well as the result: nirvana, kāyas, wisdoms and enlightened activity. PREREQUISITE: BUD501, BUD510, BUD520, BUD530, BUD601, BUD610, BUD630 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge

24 07, 2022

BUD 520 Mind and Its World III

2024-09-05T13:28:58-07:00Categories: Foundation Curriculum, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 520 Mind and Its World III: Vaibhashika & Sautrantika Philosophical Traditions Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} This course is an exposition view of foundational Buddhism from the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika philosophical traditions, based on the “The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds” root text. Students explore foundational classifications of knowable objects: the five bases, five aggregates, twelve sources, eighteen constituents, and the presentation of causation from the Vaibhashika philosophical system followed by the Sautrantika presentation classifying all knowable objects into specifically and generally characterized phenomena, based on our experience and then a comparison of the two views. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501

24 07, 2022

BUD 502 Clear Thinking

2024-08-09T12:25:28-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 502 Clear Thinking Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} This course will deepen your understanding of knowable objects as expounded by the Abhidhama tradition, based on the Collected Topics root text. Students will learn methods for thinking clearly by formulating definitions, examples, equivalents and classifications, and by exploring the four types of logical relationships between two phenomena. This course also prepares students for debate, which is a highly effective method for clarifying one's understanding of the topics that are covered in Nitartha's study curriculum. PREREQUISITE: None REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: Collected Topics (Düdra), by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Nitartha Institute Publications Clear Thinking

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