LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan (continued)

Also taught by Nima Bhuti, this course is a continuation of the 2024  Summer Institute intermediate colloquial Tibetan course. This course is for students with an established grounding in colloquial Tibetan. The focus will be to gain further fluency in reading, speaking, listening, and understanding Tibetan using the Central Tibetan dialect. Classes are mostly Tibetan with minimal English.

Required Texts:

Speak Fluent Tibetan by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok (Google Books)

Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way by Nyima Dekyi (Google Books)


Although this is a continuing course from the 2024 Summer Institute, you are welcome to take this course if you have not taken the previous one, but please contact Nima Bhuti first at if you have questions about your level.

Students should know:

  1. The equivalent of the first 35 chapters of Speak Fluent Tibetan and Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way.
  2. What the essential and existential verbs are and how they are used (ཡིན། མིན། རེད། མ་རེད། ཡོད། མེད། འདུག མི་འདུག ཡོད་རེད། ཡོད་མ་རེད།)
  3. Demonstrative pronouns (འདི། དེ། ཕ་གི། ཡ་གི། མ་གི་ལ་སོགས།)
  4. Personal pronouns (ང་། ཁྱེད་རང་། ཁོང་། མོ། ཁོ་ལ་སོགས།)
  5. Volitional and non-volitional verbs
  6. Transitive and intransitive verbs
  7. Verb tenses (past, present, and future) and auxiliary verbs
  8. Basics of locative, genitive, and instrumental cases
  9. Some understanding of the difference between honorific and non-honorific words and when to use them
  10. How to read somewhat more complex Tibetan sentences aloud (but not necessarily understand their entire meaning)

Dates: Starting September 3

Days and Times: Wednesdays, 6pm Pacific Time



Nitartha’s Payment Plan and Financial Assistance (PPFA) program is funded by fellow students to support those who would not be able to attend the Institute’s courses without this assistance. To request aid, please fill out the PPFA application before you register for the course.


Semester Course Registration
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Course Registration

Nitartha Institute aims to provide access to our programs by everyone who is interested in attending our classes. Therefore, we established the Financial Assistance Program, which is supported by Nitartha Institute students to help fellow students who would not be able to attend Nitartha courses without this assistance. The program provides discounts on tuition and Nitartha texts for courses for which students are registered. Payment plans can also be arranged.

To apply for financial assistance or a payment plan, please first submit an application (click here). Once your request is reviewed, we will send you information about how to register. Please allow up to 5 days for processing.

If you’re inspired by this project, please consider donating to our Financial Assistance Program below.

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