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So far Cody Foster has created 30 blog entries.
17 12, 2024

TNT 420 Teacher-In-Training Seminar

2024-12-18T08:42:31-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

TNT 420 Teacher-In-Training Seminar Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is committed to training Buddhist teachers as an essential key to establishing the living Buddhadharma in the West. Nitartha’s Teachers in Training program is for approved students who have completed the Foundation and Intermediate curricula and who are passionate about teaching the Nitartha curriculum. For more information about Nitartha's Teachers in Training program, contact Dr. Francis Sullivan at francis.sullivan@cogentbio.com. PREREQUISITE: Prior admission to the Teacher-In-Training program DATES & TIMES: {!{types field='dow'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='course-dates'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='meeting-times'}!}{!{/types}!} WHAT YOU WILL BE INTRODUCED TO: (This is a

19 08, 2024

LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan

2024-12-18T08:49:23-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-language, reg-semester, registration|

LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan (continued) Also taught by Nima Bhuti, this course is a continuation of the 2024  fall semester intermediate colloquial Tibetan course. This course is for students with an established grounding in colloquial Tibetan. The focus will be to gain further fluency in reading, speaking, listening, and understanding Tibetan using the Central Tibetan dialect. Classes are mostly Tibetan with minimal English. Required Texts: Speak Fluent Tibetan by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok (Google Books) Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way by Nyima Dekyi (Google Books) PREREQUISITE: Although this is a continuing course from the 2024  fall semester, you are

21 12, 2023

Mahamudra Review Courses

2025-01-24T10:06:39-08:00Categories: reg-semester, registration|

Mahamudra Review Courses Mahamudra Shamatha, Vipashyana-I, and Vipashyana-II Have you taken Mahamudra Shamatha, Mahamudra Vipashyana-I, and/or Mahamudra Vipashyana-II at a Nitartha Summer Institute? If so, we invite you to review any one of the Mahamudra levels that you took previously. The courses are recorded teachings of: Mahamudra Shamatha (originally taught Summer 2014) Faculty: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Dates: February 14 - July 3, 2025 Cost: $250 This course is the same as what was offered for review last year. Mahamudra Vipashyana-I (originally taught Summer 2015) Faculty: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Dates: February 14 -

7 09, 2023

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning – Chapter 1 (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:38:39-07:00Categories: Blog, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning - Chapter 1 (SPOC) Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} This is the first of a series of teachings by Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi on Sakya Paṇḍita’s entire Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning. Acharya Lama Kelzang will begin to teach chapter 1, “Investigation of the Object.” This chapter sets forth the major terminology of the tradition of valid cognition: valid cognition and mistaken cognition, their related objects that are things, non-things, and clearly appearing non-existents, and the modes of engagement of objects as appearing objects, referent objects, and objects of engagement. The theories of perception of the Vaibhāṣikas

24 07, 2023

BUD 600 Analytical Meditation II

2024-12-19T12:08:17-08:00Categories: Blog, Intermediate Curriculum, Jirka Hladis, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 600 Analytical Meditation II Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Analytical meditation: a form of debate without a partner. The function of analytical meditation is to bring the view being studied into one’s own experience. It lifts the words out of the book and places them into our heart. The words go from being out there to being part of our innermost being, integrated. That is the essential function of analytical meditation. Through this effort to analyze we become curious about how our mind works. Though this process, the view being contemplated is examined. Does it make sense to me? Is it something I fully comprehend? Why

13 12, 2022

BUD 553 辩经1阶

2025-01-13T10:56:56-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 553 Collected Topics Debate I FACULTY: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} This foundation debate course offers a methodical training in elementary debate skills on the basis of the Clear Thinking course. Students train in formulating reasonings with correct and seeming reasons and utilize them in debate by learning how to challenge the first mode (the relationship between the subject and the reason). The debate content consists of the classification of objects in terms of entity from Collected Topics. PREREQUISITE: BUD 502 REQUIRED TEXTS: None DATES & TIMES: {!{types field='dow'}!}{!{/types}!} {!{types field='course-dates'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='meeting-times'}!}{!{/types}!} COST: ${!{types field='course-cost' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Nitartha’s Payment Plan

13 12, 2022

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning

2025-01-05T16:52:57-08:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Advanced Curriculum, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration, Valid Cognition|

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Course Description: This course is the continuation of an in-depth study of Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning, (tshad ma rigs gter) by renowned scholar Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) – an influential work that inaugurated a new period of pramana studies in Tibet by focusing particularly on Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika and identifying the errors of earlier Tibetan scholars, especially Chapa Chökyi Senge. We will study Sakya Pandita’s seminal work on the basis of the commentary by Jamyang Loter Wangpo (1847-1914). This semester, we will continue and complete Chapter 5 "Investigation of the Object of Expression

24 07, 2022

BUD 620 Paths and Bhumis

2024-12-18T09:07:23-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 620 Paths & Bhumis: The Path to Enlightenment FACULTY: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} This is semester 2 of this course, an exposition of the Buddhist path based on The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge root text. Students continue to learn what is necessary for entering and progressing on the path and what the goal of spiritual journey is, through exploring the five paths, and the ten bodhisattva bhūmis, as well as the result: nirvana, kāyas, wisdoms and enlightened activity. PREREQUISITE: Fall 2024 Paths & Bhumis (Semester 1) or repeat students who have previously completed the Paths & Bhumis course

9 03, 2022

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I (SPOC)

2024-09-09T09:20:11-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I (SPOC) This course is a systematic training in the meditation of special insight in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Having first established a ground of calm abiding, students engage in analytical vipashyana or insight meditation into how our use of conceptuality contributes to the creation of karma and kleśa, and how to reverse that process by contemplating identitylessness, emptiness. The course will cover Part I on the Common Samadhis, from Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā. Faculty: Jirka Hladiš   PREREQUISITES: It is strongly recommended that students have taken some courses in the Foundational Curriculum, particularly BUD 501 as a minimum.

12 12, 2021

BUD 630 Buddha Nature: Luminous Heart of the Tathagata (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:36:39-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 630 Buddha Nature: Luminous Heart of the Tathagata (SPOC) This course is an exposition of the Tathāgatagarbha philosophical tradition, based on The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra: Fourth Vajra Point root text. Students cultivate certainty in the view of Buddha nature—the essence of awakening present in all beings. The Fourth Vajra Point of the Uttaratantra establishes Buddha nature through three reasonings, its ten aspects, nine analogies and five reasons why it is necessary to teach it. PREREQUISITES: BUD 501 is required, and it is recommended that all four Mind and Its World courses be taken before taking level 3. REQUIRED TEXTS: Root

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