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So far Cody Foster has created 30 blog entries.
12 12, 2021

BUD 620 Paths and Bhumis: The Path to Enlightenment (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:35:10-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 620 Paths and Bhumis: The Path to Enlightenment (SPOC) This course is an exposition of the Buddhist path based on The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge root text. Students learn what is necessary for entering and progressing on the path and what the goal of spiritual journey is, through exploring the five paths, the ten bodhisattva bhumis, as well as the result: nirvana, kayas, wisdoms and enlightened activity. PREREQUISITES: BUD 501, BUD 510, BUD 520, BUD 530, BUD 601, BUD 610, BUD 630 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root Text: The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results

12 12, 2021

BUD 610 Madhyamaka Philosophical Tradition: Not Even a Middle (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:32:57-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 610 Madhyamaka Philosophical Tradition: Not Even a Middle (SPOC) This course is an overview of the Madhyamaka tradition of the Mahayana, which propounds the view of shunyata, the emptiness of all phenomena, which is the transcendence of all views, the ultimate freedom from all reference points and discursiveness. We will study the presentation of the two realities (ultimate and seeming), the differences and commonalities between the subschools of Prasangika and Svatantrika, the rangtong-shentong distinction, the array of reasonings that Madhyamikas use to deconstruct the notions of a personal self and really existing phenomena, the Madhyamaka-style four foundations of mindfulness (based on the ninth chapter

12 12, 2021

BUD 601 Cittamatra Philosophical Tradition: Appearances Are Mere Mind (SPOC)

2024-09-09T08:34:12-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 601 Cittamatra Philosophical Traditions: Appearances Are Mere Mind (SPOC) This course is an exposition of the Cittamatra philosophical tradition, based on The Mind Only Tenet System root text. Students engage in the philosophical reformulation of experience arising from meditation practice, declaring reasonings that establish objects as not separate from mind. This is followed by the presentation of the true and false aspectarians and the classification of knowable objects into the three natures, as well as the theory of the eight-fold collection of consciousness. PREREQUISITES: BUD 501, BUD 510, BUD 520, BUD 530 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: The Mind Only Tenet

12 12, 2021

BUD 530 Mind and Its World IV: Sautrantika Philosophical Tradition (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:28:10-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 530 Mind & Its World IV: Sautrantika Philosophical Tradition (SPOC) This course is an exposition of the Sautrantika philosophical tradition, followed by the presentation of the path and result of foundational Buddhism, based on The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds root text. Students explore classifications of knowable object into specifically and generally characterized phenomena as well as the Sautrantika’s distinct presentation of the five aggregates. The path consists of calm abiding and superior insight. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds (Truptha), by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche,

12 12, 2021

BUD 520 Mind and Its World III: Vaibhashika Philosophical Tradition (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:25:12-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 520 Mind & Its World III: Vaibhashika Philosophical Tradition (SPOC) This course is an exposition of the Vaibhashika philosophical tradition, based on The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds root text. Students explore foundational classifications of knowable objects: the five bases, five aggregates, twelve sources and eighteen constituents, followed by the presentation of the Vaibhashika theory of causation from Collected Topics and the twelve links of dependent origination. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds (Truptha), by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen and Acharya Kelsang

12 12, 2021

BUD 510 Mind and Its World II: Modes of Engagement & Mental Events (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:19:32-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 510 Mind & Its World II: Modes of Engagement & Mental Events (SPOC) This course completes the introductory exposition of topics drawn from the Pramāna and Abhidhama traditions, based on the Classifications of Mind and Collected Topics root texts. It provides students with the tools for delineating conceptual and non-conceptual mind in meditation, known as the essential modes of engagement of mind. This is followed by the exposition of Buddhist psychology — classification of consciousness into primary minds and mental events. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: Classifications of Mind (Lorik), by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, Nitartha Institute Publications

12 12, 2021

BUD 502 Clear Thinking (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:10:54-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 502 Clear Thinking (SPOC) This course is an introductory exposition of knowable objects drawn from the Abhidhama tradition, based on Collected Topics root text. Students learn methods for thinking clearly by formulating definitions, examples, equivalents and classifications, and by exploring the four types of logical relationships between two phenomena. PREREQUISITE: None. REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: Collected Topics (Düdra), by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Nitartha Institute Publications Clear Thinking Workbook, Nitartha Institute Publications COST: ${!{types field='course-cost' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Nitartha’s Payment Plan and Financial Assistance (PPFA) program is funded by fellow students to support those who would not be able to

7 12, 2021

BUD 501 Mind and Its World I: Valid Cognition (SPOC)

2024-09-06T13:07:00-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 501 Mind and Its World I: Valid Cognition (SPOC) This course is an introductory exposition of topics drawn from the Pramāna tradition, based on the Classifications of Mind root text. Students explore the criteria for the validity of cognition, the fourfold classification of direct valid cognition, seeming direct cognition and non-valid cognition. PREREQUISITE: None. REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: Classifications of Mind (Lorik), by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, Nitartha Institute Publications Mind & Its World 1 Sourcebook, Nitartha Institute Publications COST: ${!{types field='course-cost' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Nitartha’s Payment Plan and Financial Assistance (PPFA) program is funded by fellow students to support

6 12, 2021

BUD 701 Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way – Semester 2 (SPOC)

2024-09-10T09:21:21-07:00Categories: reg-featured, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 701: Semester two Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way - Semester Two (SPOC) This course explores Chandrakīrti’s extended presentation of the two truths and the introductory part of his refutation of Chittamātra view from the sixth chapter of his Madhyamakāvatāra, which is on Prajna (verses 6.24-6.47). This is the third in an in-depth series of courses on this text based on the commentary by the Eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554) and the oral teachings of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. This Nitartha Online Campus course features audio recordings of 12 lectures given by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche at Nitartha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia, Canada in August

6 12, 2021

BUD 701 Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way – Semester 1 (SPOC)

2024-09-10T09:15:02-07:00Categories: reg-featured, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 701: Semester One Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way - Semester 1 (SPOC) This course is a continuation of the in-depth study of Chandrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatāra based on the commentary by the Eight Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554). Students study the first part of the sixth chapter on the pāramitā of prajñā, which is at the heart of the entire text, presenting the reasoning for realizing emptiness by refuting arising from the four extremes. This section also includes a presentation of the distinction between the Prāsangika and Svātantrika Schools of Madhyamaka. This Nitartha Online Campus course features audio recordings of 12 lectures given by Dzogchen

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