14 08, 2024

Fall Semester Courses 2024

2024-08-14T12:36:02-07:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Intermediate Curriculum, Semester Course|

We are looking forward to a full 2024 fall semester, with a broad range of course options from which to choose, including: FOUNDATION LEVEL   BUD 500  |  Analytical Meditation I Faculty: Jirka Hladiš Course Description: This course is a systematic training in the meditation of special insight following the approach of the Abhidharma tradition. Students learn the skills to gain certainty in the view of selflessness through the practice of the Four Applications of Mindfulness, cultivating inferential wisdom and bringing it to personal experience. Additional Course Description: Through a series of analytical meditations, students will train in the sequential entry into the view of identitylessnes - dependent

8 05, 2023

The Elegance of Union

2024-03-26T09:11:00-07:00Categories: Blog, Intermediate Curriculum, Lorik, Mind & Its World, Summer Institute, Tibetan, Valid Cognition|

The Elegance of Union:Joining Study and MahamudraAt Nitartha's Summer Institute study and Mahamudra meditation are joined. Why?Jirka Hladiš says, “It's very simple -- that’s the elegance of it. The whole point of studying the view is to clarify the object of meditation. When you get the object of meditation right, then you just rest one-pointedly on the object, without the need for more instruction.”Study is quite extensive at Nitartha because it is crucial for determining the object of meditation. We often determine our object of meditation in an incorrect or unclear way. This creates a problem. While we still benefit from shamatha because it settles our minds, we

17 04, 2023

The five sciences

2023-04-18T16:16:25-07:00Categories: Blog, Intermediate Curriculum, Lorik, Mind & Its World, Summer Institute, Tibetan, Valid Cognition|

The Five Sciences: Accomplishing the Aim of the Bodhisattva This year at the 2023 Summer Institute, thefive sciences will be taught on site at the University of Colorado, Boulder In order to benefit all sentient beings, one needs to be able to communicate according to the interests and abilities of a great diversity of minds. The best training for achieving that goal is the training in the five sciences because, together, they encompass all that can be known. Lama Mipham said, “All mundane and supramundane topics of knowledge can be contained . . . within a simple enumeration of just five fields of knowledge.”1 As aspiring bodhisattvas, we

8 01, 2020

2020 Offerings

2021-05-27T12:08:05-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Intermediate Curriculum, Madhyamaka, Mind & Its World, Self-Paced Online Course, Semester Course, Valid Cognition|Tags: , , , , , , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Don’t Miss This Year’s Offerings! Pre-Summer Online Course Registration is Now Open! Click here for information about the pre-summer Mahamudra shamatha, Mahamudra Vipashyana-I, and Luminous Essence (Guhyagarbha) courses, including eligibility requirements and applications. (For those who are going to attend the 2020 Summer Institute and who meet the eligibility criteria.) New Discussion groups: Register now for our first in a series of online discussions with Nitartha faculty: Madhyamaka with Israel Lifshitz, on January 18, 10-11am Pacific time. Free of charge. (This discussion is particularly recommended for those who have taken the Madhyamaka course at Nitartha.) New Advanced Online Course:  Registration is now

30 12, 2017

Smiling Radiance of the Laughing Mañjugośa — 12–21 January 2018 in Warsaw, Poland

2021-05-13T14:16:37-07:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Intermediate Curriculum|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Karma Dechen Choling is honoured to host this historical, very first presentation of the 6th Shamarpa’s Presentation of a Summary of the Common Teachings, Smiling Radiance of the Laughing Mañjugośa in the West. Acharya Lama Kelsang Wangdi will present the teachings with translation into English by Ani Chöying and Polish by Tomasz Szczygielski. 12–21 January 2018 Karma Dechen Choling Center of Buddhism Mahayana Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego Street 49/U12 Poland, 03-982 Warsaw Schedule Opening lecture: 12 January 2018, 19:00–20:30 (CET) 13–21 January 2018 9:00–18:00 daily : 3 sessions + discussion group Registration €100 payable via bank transfer or in cash at the beginning

21 12, 2016

9-Day Intensive in Poland

2021-05-13T13:55:14-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Intermediate Curriculum, Semester Course|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena 30 Sept–8 Oct 2016 Warsaw, Poland A nine day intensive Nitartha program was held Friday 30 Sept – Saturday 8 Oct, 2016 in downtown Warsaw’s beautiful, brand new, Dharma center. Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen has said that the center, known as Karma Dechen Choling, “delights all the Buddhas of the three times.” More than twenty students from Poland and Greece participated in the program. For seven students, this was their final course of the Intermediate Curriculum and they obtained the certificate of completion signed by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche at the celebratory ceremony which marked the end of the program. 9月30日至10月8日於波蘭華沙市中心,在嶄新的佛學中心卡瑪德謙秋林,迎來了九天密集式佛學研習營。有來自波蘭及希臘二十幾位同學圓滿完成,其中7位同學同時完成了正知學院佛學中級系列課程,在課程結束典禮上榮獲了本樂仁波切簽署的畢業證書。隨喜讚歎! 此期佛學營共設《五道十地:通向證悟的菩薩道》及《分析性禪修》倆課。由導師葉卡·哈迪斯(Jirka Hladiš)主講,教師培訓生托馬斯·史奇基爾斯基(Tomasz

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