Clear Thinking Registration

Dates and Time: Mondays September 13 – October 25, 6pm – 7:30pm Pacific time

Prerequisite: None

Registration - BUD 502 Clear Thinking
Fields marked with an * are required
How did you hear of Nitartha Institute? *
Which Nitartha Institute courses have you taken from the Core Foundational Curriculum? *
Which Nitartha Institute courses have you taken from the Core Intermediate Curriculum? *
Registration for: *
Do you already have a Moodle account with Nitartha? *


Total: $0.00

Payment and Refund Policy

Payment is due upon submission of this form, unless a Payment Plan has been approved. Students withdrawing from a semester course will receive a full refund before the start of the second class. No refunds are possible after the second class is held.