Mind & Its World I and Clear Thinking

Fall 2016
Boulder, CO

This fall in Boulder, Colorado we have many students both local and online studying the foundational curriculum in the BUD 501 Mind & Its World I and BUD 502 Clear Thinking courses. Our own long-time faculty member Jirka Hladiš is presenting Mind & Its World I; he has been a part of Nitartha Intitute since 2002 and a faculty member since 2007. In addition we have two new teachers-in-training presenting the Clear Thinking course: Susan Aposhyan and Francis Sullivan. Susan Aposhyan lives here in Boulder and is a psychotherapist, writer, and teacher. She formally was a student of Trungpa Rinpoche, and now practices under Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. Francis has been a student of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche since 2004 and before that was a student of Trungpa Rinpoche and Osel Tendzin.  When he is not practicing and studying he is doing biochemistry research and riding his bike.

今秋在克羅拉多州的博德市,正知學院的姐妹組織那蘭陀菩提博德中心,有美、加、新西蘭、丹麥等世界各地的32位同學以現場或網上校園遠程參與的形式,開始了心類學第一階課程的學習 。主教導師葉卡·哈迪斯(Jirka Hladiš)已在正知學院從事佛學內明課程教學近10年。另有蘇珊·艾泊嫻 (Susan Aposhyan)和弗蘭西斯·薩利文(Francis Sullivan)倆位導師培訓生也參與了教學。隨喜同學們歡聚那蘭陀中心探索心性本質,融佛法與日常的修持與生活中。

Located in right in the entrance to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in beautiful Boulder Canyon, Nalandabodhi Boulder has been a home to the Nalandabodhi Mandala since 1996. We recently renovated the shrine room and this has set a vivid and luminous atmosphere for giving these teaching. With a very high online enrollment this year we are joined by thirty-two students all around the world from New Zealand to Denmark. Together with this vibrant community we are cultivating the investigative mind and bringing the buddhadharma into practice and our daily lives.