14 01, 2020

Thank you to our Global Outreach donors!

2021-05-17T13:49:39-07:00Categories: Blog, Fundraising, Giving Tuesday|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Thank you to all those who contributed to our 2019 Global Outreach campaign! We are very happy to report that we raised more than $19,000 of our ambitious goal of $20,000. Thanks to your support, we will be able to reach more people by: Raising more awareness around the globe about our Summer Institute and online campus. Helping keep students connected through social media and the Nitartha newsletter. Making it easier for people to learn about Nitartha by redesigning our website to make the information more easily accessible and readable. Donations are still being accepted. Read more!

11 01, 2020

How Tibetan translators can benefit from attending Nitartha Institute classes

2021-05-27T12:05:37-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Karl Brunnholzl, Summer Institute|Tags: , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Are you a professional or an aspiring Tibetan translator? Here are 5 reasons how studying at Nitartha Institute – with its foundation, intermediate and advanced curriculum classes – can help you:  You learn to understand basic Buddhist terminology and ideas/concepts, that are common in Hinayana and Mahayana schools. The foundation curriculum lays the ground with cognitive theory, ontology and logic. The Nitartha foundational curriculum teaches precise definitions, meaning, and usage of critical distinctions, such as when would you use “mind” or “consciousness” or “awareness” in your translations. By fully understanding the Pramana traditions, your translations will gain consistency and clarity. Make translation

8 01, 2020

2020 Offerings

2021-05-27T12:08:05-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Intermediate Curriculum, Madhyamaka, Mind & Its World, Self-Paced Online Course, Semester Course, Valid Cognition|Tags: , , , , , , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Don’t Miss This Year’s Offerings! Pre-Summer Online Course Registration is Now Open! Click here for information about the pre-summer Mahamudra shamatha, Mahamudra Vipashyana-I, and Luminous Essence (Guhyagarbha) courses, including eligibility requirements and applications. (For those who are going to attend the 2020 Summer Institute and who meet the eligibility criteria.) New Discussion groups: Register now for our first in a series of online discussions with Nitartha faculty: Madhyamaka with Israel Lifshitz, on January 18, 10-11am Pacific time. Free of charge. (This discussion is particularly recommended for those who have taken the Madhyamaka course at Nitartha.) New Advanced Online Course:  Registration is now

1 10, 2018

A Lullaby to Awaken the Heart

2021-05-27T12:09:29-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Karl Brunnholzl, Summer Institute|Tags: , , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena The new book “A Lullaby to Awaken the Heart -The Aspiration Prayer of Samantabhadra and Its Tibetan Commentaries” by Nitartha faculty member and renowned translator Dr. Karl Brunnhölzl will be available in November! In this book Karl offers translations of three versions of The Aspiration Prayer of Samantabhadra. He accompanies them with translations of commentaries by three famous Tibetan masters: Jigmé Lingpa, the Fifteenth Karmapa, and Tsültrim Sangpo. Typical for Karl’s works, you will find rich annotation and appendices in this book, including additional translations from Jigmé Lingpa, Longchenpa, and Patrul Rinpoche. This publication offers you the opportunity to deepen our understanding

27 01, 2018

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche teaching at the Summer Institute 2018!

2021-05-17T10:50:48-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena We are delighted that Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche will teach two classes at the Summer Institute 2018! The classes will be held during Module 1 (July 6-14) and Module 2 (July 16-24) and will be offered on alternating days. Distinguishing the Views and Philosophies: A Lamp of Essential Points This course is a systematic overview of Mipham´s teachings on the Middle Way by the influential scholar of the twentieth century Bötrül (1898-1959) of the Nyingma tradition. Bötrül’s root text, Distinguishing the Views and Philosophies, and his auto-commentary, Ornament of Mañjughoa´s Viewpoint, provide a meaning commentary on Mipham’s Beacon of Certainty. Bötrül sets forth

8 01, 2018

Save the dates for Gomdra & Shedra at the Summer Institute 2018!

2021-05-17T10:44:09-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Please find below the exact dates for the Shedra sessions and the Gomdra modules at the Summer Institute 2018: Shedra Shedra Session 1 (14 days) July 6 (Friday) – July 19 (Thursday) Travel Day: July 20 (Friday) Shedra Session 2 (14 days) July 21 (Saturday) – August 3 (Friday) Travel Day: August 4 (Saturday) Gomdra Gomdra Module 1 (9 days) July 6 (Friday) – July 14 (Saturday) Travel day: July 15 (Sunday) Gomdra Module 2 (9 days) July 16 (Monday)- July 24 (Tuesday) Travel day: July 25 (Wednesday) Gomdra Module 3 (9 days) July 26 (Thursday) – Aug 3 (Friday) Travel Day:

5 01, 2018

Renowned Thangka Painter RD Salga will be back at the Summer Institute!

2021-05-17T10:21:56-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena In the Science of Creativity and the Arts track of the Summer Institute 2018, master thangka painter RD Salga will offer hands-on studio classes which focus on drawing and painting Buddhas using the guides and techniques of the Karma Gadri tradition, the painting tradition of the Karmapas noted for its elegance of form, colour, and composition. RD Salga has more than thirty four years’ experience in composing and painting Tibetan thangkas of every major Tibetan Buddhist subject and tradition. This is an unparalleled opportunity to get one-on-one instruction from one of the few masters of this tradition left in the world today. For

1 01, 2018

Join us for Tibetan Language Classes at the Summer Institute 2018

2021-05-17T10:11:49-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena We are happy to announce that we will again offer Tibetan language classes at the Summer Institute 2018! The Introduction to Tibetan class is oriented toward beginners who have little knowledge of Tibetan butwould like to gain some familiarity with the language and how it is translated into English. You will learn the alphabet and pronunciation and learn some songs of Milarepa and how to chant them, while at the same time investigate their meaning in both Tibetan and in English. You will gain a richer understanding of the songs composed by one of Tibet’s great masters. The Tibetan Reading Class is

30 12, 2017

Smiling Radiance of the Laughing Mañjugośa — 12–21 January 2018 in Warsaw, Poland

2021-05-13T14:16:37-07:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Intermediate Curriculum|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Karma Dechen Choling is honoured to host this historical, very first presentation of the 6th Shamarpa’s Presentation of a Summary of the Common Teachings, Smiling Radiance of the Laughing Mañjugośa in the West. Acharya Lama Kelsang Wangdi will present the teachings with translation into English by Ani Chöying and Polish by Tomasz Szczygielski. 12–21 January 2018 Karma Dechen Choling Center of Buddhism Mahayana Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego Street 49/U12 Poland, 03-982 Warsaw Schedule Opening lecture: 12 January 2018, 19:00–20:30 (CET) 13–21 January 2018 9:00–18:00 daily : 3 sessions + discussion group Registration €100 payable via bank transfer or in cash at the beginning

28 12, 2017

Mudra Space Awareness with Mitra Lee Worley at the Summer Institute 2018!

2021-05-13T14:08:54-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Shedra, Summer Institute|

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena We are happy to announce that Mitra Lee Worley will again offer Mudra Space Awareness at the Summer Institute 2018! Mudra Space Awareness is a series of physical and vocal exercises derived from the Mahamudra and Maha Ati traditions of Tibetan Buddhism as presented in the West by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Mitra Lee Worley studied Mudra Space Awareness directly under the guidance of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. In 2017, for the first time, Mitra Lee had offered Mudra Space Awaress at the Summer Institute and students enjoyed this unique practice and her guidance. In 2018, Mudra Space Awareness will be offered in modules

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