7 12, 2021

Samdhinirmocana Sutra

2022-02-02T11:11:58-08:00Categories: reg-preSummer, registration|

注册截止日: 2022年2月20日 前提條件: 參加了2021年暑假學院的學員和準備加入2022年暑假學院學習的同學 BUD 761 解深密經 解深密經(解經釋意)是三轉法論瑜伽行派的重要典籍。 這是佛陀教導的經典來源,揭示了佛陀三次轉法輪背後的甚深意,以及關于八識、三性、究竟實相,禪修道途直至最終證得無有二元的究竟實相。 我們很幸運此課程由竹慶本樂仁波切親自教導,繼2021年之後,仁波切將繼續在2022年的暑假學院教授此課程。BUD761解深密經預備課程是仁波切在2021年暑假學院教導的課程錄影,共18節課。 前提條件: 1.此課程對所有參加了2021年的暑假學院的學員開放。 2.沒有參加2021年暑假學院的學生,此預備課程可以幫助您更好地加入2022年課程,需要交付押金作爲參加2022年暑假學院的承諾 學費: 新學員:US$300美金+US$350美金押金(正式報名暑假學院時押金可以抵扣學費) 2021年暑假學院的學員:US$150美金 前提条件: 參加了2021年暑假學院的學員和準備加入2022年暑假學院學習的同學 課本: 中文課本請聯絡中文支持團隊:ycbu@nitarthainstitute.org 英文課本可以在 84,000 project webpage 網站找到 。 課程開放時限: 2月25日-6月24日 每周一節課,每節課觀看時限7天 學院爲經濟困難的學生提供學費援助計劃,如果你要申請學費减免,請在注册前點擊 PPFA application , 進入申請流程。(請注意押金款項不適用于此計劃) 現在注册 竹慶本樂仁波切 Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche 創始人和精神導師 了義學院的主席及精神導師,在藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉和寧瑪傳統的當代著名長老創古仁波切和竹清嘉措仁波切指導下,成立了義學院。 竹慶本樂仁波切被公認爲當代藏傳佛教噶舉和寧瑪傳承中最重要的學者之一。仁波切畢業于印度隆德寺的噶瑪師利那瀾陀高級佛學院,幷在哥倫比亞大學完成了英語和比較宗教的學習。仁波切是一位成就的禪修大師,書法家,視覺藝術家和詩人。他在世界各地旅行與教學,幷精通西方文化和邏輯體系。本樂仁波切以溫暖、幽默、以及與現代生活透徹結合的方法教導佛法而聞名。 閱讀更多

6 12, 2021

BUD 701 Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way – Semester 2 (SPOC)

2024-09-10T09:21:21-07:00Categories: reg-featured, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 701: Semester two Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way - Semester Two (SPOC) This course explores Chandrakīrti’s extended presentation of the two truths and the introductory part of his refutation of Chittamātra view from the sixth chapter of his Madhyamakāvatāra, which is on Prajna (verses 6.24-6.47). This is the third in an in-depth series of courses on this text based on the commentary by the Eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554) and the oral teachings of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. This Nitartha Online Campus course features audio recordings of 12 lectures given by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche at Nitartha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia, Canada in August

6 12, 2021

BUD 701 Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way – Semester 1 (SPOC)

2024-09-10T09:15:02-07:00Categories: reg-featured, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 701: Semester One Madhyamakavatara II: Entrance to the Middle Way - Semester 1 (SPOC) This course is a continuation of the in-depth study of Chandrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatāra based on the commentary by the Eight Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554). Students study the first part of the sixth chapter on the pāramitā of prajñā, which is at the heart of the entire text, presenting the reasoning for realizing emptiness by refuting arising from the four extremes. This section also includes a presentation of the distinction between the Prāsangika and Svātantrika Schools of Madhyamaka. This Nitartha Online Campus course features audio recordings of 12 lectures given by Dzogchen

6 12, 2021

BUD 700 Madhyamakavatara I (SPOC)

2024-09-09T08:38:14-07:00Categories: reg-featured, reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 700 Madhyamakavatara I: Entrance to the Middle Way (SPOC) This course is an in-depth study of Chandrakīrti's Madhyamakāvatāra based on the commentary by the Eight Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554). It begins with the presentation of the Madhyamaka of the model texts followed by a close examination of the first five Madhyamakāvatāra's chapters, which correlate with the first five bodhisattva bhūmis. Several difficult points are covered, such as the three reasons which prove that arhats realize selflessness of persons. The course features audio recordings of 15 lectures given by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche at Nitartha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia, Canada in June 1997, verse by

2 12, 2021

Thank you for your generosity!

2021-12-14T11:52:13-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Scott Wallenbach, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , |

Financial Assistance for Nitartha Institute Students Generosity and demand for Nitartha’s courses at all-time highs. Please Give Now! Thank you to all who have donated to our Giving Tuesday campaign to replenish our financial assistance fund, which provides partial and full tuition discounts to students who otherwise would not be able to attend Nitartha. Altogether, we have received over $22,000! We know many dharma students are struggling to pay the cost of dharma courses and programs. Now, many of those students will be able to study at Nitartha, thanks to all those who donated! Did you know? You will be entered into a drawing to

24 11, 2021

Financial Assistance for Nitartha Institute Students

2021-12-14T11:35:42-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Scott Wallenbach, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , |

Financial Assistance for Nitartha Institute Students Generosity and demand for Nitartha’s courses at all-time highs. Please Give Now!While the last two years have been difficult for many of us around the world, the demand for Nitartha's courses was higher than ever. And even though the tuition for the 2020 and 2021 Summer Institutes was unusually low, the need for financial assistance also hit a record, and we gave 4 times more assistance these past two years than any previous year. Indeed, with your generous donations, students all over the world were able to attend our courses regardless of their ability to pay. Thank you! And, this

14 11, 2021

BUD 530 Mind and Its World IV: Vaibhasika and Sautrantika Philosophical Traditions

2024-12-30T21:30:50-08:00Categories: reg-semester, registration|

BUD 530 Mind and Its World IV: Vaibhasika and Sautrantika Philosophical Tradition Faculty: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} About this course: This course presents the path and result of foundational Buddhism as found in both the Vaibhasika and Sautrantika philosophical traditions, based on The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds root text. The path consists of calm abiding and superior insight. Key topics such as the 4 Realities, the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness, the 12 links of dependent origination, and the 37 branches of enlightenment will be discussed. Each topic will have an experiential component of analytical meditation. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501 REQUIRED TEXTS:

7 06, 2021


2021-08-19T12:23:05-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Scott Wallenbach, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Mind & Its World II class. Mind & Its World II explores the criteria of valid cognition based on the teachings of the Pramāna tradition, or Buddhist epistemology. We will analyze our consciousness and determine to what degree it is in agreement with its observed object or not; what the difference is between non-mistaken, non-deceiving, conceptual and non-conceptual types of awareness. Practically speaking, this also provides the practitioner with the tools for delineating conceptual and nonconceptual types of

1 06, 2021


2021-08-19T12:24:57-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Scott Wallenbach, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This excerpt is from our sourcebook we use for the Mind & Its World IV course. This course is an extensive exposition of the Sautrantika philosophical tradition, based on the expanded version of The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds root text. PRESENTATION OF THE BASIS I (Part 1 of 2) Scott Wallenbach PRESENTATION OF THE BASIS I -SCOTT WELLENBACH Just as with the Vaibhaṣhika system, we will discuss the Sautrantika philosophical system in terms of basis, path, and result. The path and result are essentially

19 05, 2021

The Way Consciousness Apprehends Objects

2021-08-19T12:26:10-07:00Categories: Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Mind & Its World II class. Mind & Its World II explores the criteria of valid cognition based on the teachings of the Pramāna tradition, or Buddhist epistemology. We will analyze our consciousness and determine to what degree it is in agreement with its observed object or not; what the difference is between non-mistaken, non-deceiving, conceptual and non-conceptual types of awareness. Practically speaking, this also provides the practitioner with the tools for delineating conceptual and nonconceptual types of mind

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