13 12, 2022

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning

2024-08-09T11:50:03-07:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Advanced Curriculum, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration, Valid Cognition|

BUD 692 Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Course Description: This course is the continuation (Chapter 4) of an in-depth study of Treasury of Valid Cognition and Reasoning, (tshad ma rigs gter) by renowned scholar Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) – an influential work that inaugurated a new period of pramana studies in Tibet by focusing particularly on Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika and identifying the errors of earlier Tibetan scholars, especially Chapa Chökyi Senge. We will study Sakya Pandita’s seminal work on the basis of the commentary by Jamyang Loter Wangpo (1847-1914). In this course, we will continue our study of chapter 4 on “The

7 12, 2022

Sautrantika Philosophical System: The Path of Vipashyana

2022-12-07T17:29:06-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Shedra, Uncategorized|

Once we have developed calm-abiding to some degree, the mind becomes settled enough that we can take anything that arises in our present moment experience as the object of meditation. For example, in this course we will explore the key vipashyana practice of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which encompasses everything that we experience. We will have an opportunity to practice some of these four foundations through guided analytical meditations. Another vipashyana practice is meditation on the Four Noble Truths: what we are to know (the truth of suffering), what we relinquish (the origin of suffering), what we attain (the truth of cessation) and what we rely upon

7 12, 2022

The Sautrantika Philosophical System: The Path of Shamatha

2022-12-08T10:21:50-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Mind & Its World, Sautrantika, Semester Course, Shedra|

What is a path? It is something that, once we have entered it, will bring us to more supreme states. The previous blog discussed one aspect of the view of the Sautrantika philosophical system — that our sense perceptions do not perceive outer appearances, but rather they perceive mental images. The path, or meditation, offers an opportunity to experience the phenomena described by the view. In fact, what appears during meditation is precisely that which is presented by the view. Having studied the view, we can then bring clarity to our meditative experience. This is the very purpose of studying the view at Nitartha Institute – to

7 12, 2022

Is there a real world out there?

2022-12-12T11:43:46-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Shedra|

The Sautrantika response to “Is there a real world out there?” In Mind and Its World IV, the last course in Nitartha’s foundation curriculum, we arrive at the Sautrantika view. The Sautrantikas share a lot with the Vaibashikas, who are the topic of Mind and Its World III, but go even further. Their perspective on existence is more subtle and they are considered even more insightful. Understanding their views helps us to understand our own confusion even more, and also better prepares us for what comes in Nitartha’s intermediate courses. So, is there a real world out there? Well, if you are a Sautrantika you would say, “Yes!”

24 07, 2022

BUD 620 Paths and Bhumis

2024-10-14T10:43:02-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 620 Paths & Bhumis: The Path to Enlightenment FACULTY: {!{types field='faculty'}!}{!{/types}!} This course is an exposition of the Buddhist path based on The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge root text. Students learn what is necessary for entering and progressing on the path and what the goal of spiritual journey is, through exploring the five paths,¿ and the ten bodhisattva bhūmis, as well as the result: nirvana, kāyas, wisdoms and enlightened activity. PREREQUISITE: BUD501, BUD510, BUD520, BUD530, BUD601, BUD610, BUD630 REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: The Presentation of Bhumis, Paths & Results in the Treasury of Knowledge

24 07, 2022

BUD 520 Mind and Its World III

2024-09-05T13:28:58-07:00Categories: Foundation Curriculum, reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 520 Mind and Its World III: Vaibhashika & Sautrantika Philosophical Traditions Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} This course is an exposition view of foundational Buddhism from the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika philosophical traditions, based on the “The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds” root text. Students explore foundational classifications of knowable objects: the five bases, five aggregates, twelve sources, eighteen constituents, and the presentation of causation from the Vaibhashika philosophical system followed by the Sautrantika presentation classifying all knowable objects into specifically and generally characterized phenomena, based on our experience and then a comparison of the two views. PREREQUISITE: BUD 501

24 07, 2022

BUD 502 Clear Thinking

2024-08-09T12:25:28-07:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

BUD 502 Clear Thinking Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} This course will deepen your understanding of knowable objects as expounded by the Abhidhama tradition, based on the Collected Topics root text. Students will learn methods for thinking clearly by formulating definitions, examples, equivalents and classifications, and by exploring the four types of logical relationships between two phenomena. This course also prepares students for debate, which is a highly effective method for clarifying one's understanding of the topics that are covered in Nitartha's study curriculum. PREREQUISITE: None REQUIRED TEXTS: Root text: Collected Topics (Düdra), by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Nitartha Institute Publications Clear Thinking

31 05, 2022

Madhyamaka: a crucial stage on our journey to emptiness

2024-03-20T12:33:52-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Jirka Hladis, Madhyamaka, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , |

Madhyamaka and many more courses will be offered at this year’s Summer Institute in July. The topics are incredible. Don’t miss out! Check out all the information about the 2024 Nitartha Summer Institute here: https://bit.ly/nsi24retreat Madhyamaka:a crucial stage on our journey to emptinessOn our journey to emptiness, the Nitartha curriculum takes us through several stages. In the Mind and Its World series, we become familiar with how the data coming in through our senses changes from moment to moment. There is nobody who owns it, there is no personal identity. In the Mind Only class we further discover and learn to appreciate how this manifold experience

9 03, 2022

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I (SPOC)

2024-09-09T09:20:11-07:00Categories: reg-spoc, registration|

BUD 500 Analytical Meditation I (SPOC) This course is a systematic training in the meditation of special insight in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Having first established a ground of calm abiding, students engage in analytical vipashyana or insight meditation into how our use of conceptuality contributes to the creation of karma and kleśa, and how to reverse that process by contemplating identitylessness, emptiness. The course will cover Part I on the Common Samadhis, from Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā. Faculty: Jirka Hladiš   PREREQUISITES: It is strongly recommended that students have taken some courses in the Foundational Curriculum, particularly BUD 501 as a minimum.

27 12, 2021

Buddhist Studies starting in January 2022

2022-01-17T09:56:47-08:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Sautrantika, Semester Courses|Tags: , , , |

Nitartha Institute courses begin in January. There is a lot happening, and all online. Join us! MIND AND ITS WORLD IV: SAUTRANTIKA PHILOSOPHICAL TRADITION Faculty: Dr. Sandra Roscoe and Susan Stewart Learn about the Sautrantika presentation of the ground, path and results, including: objects, two realities, specifically and generally characterized phenomena, manifest and hidden phenomena, the three times, calm abiding and special insight, 37 practices of enlightenment, and much more! When: Sundays, beginning January 23rd, 2022 Read More ..................................................................................................................   COLLECTED TOPICS DEBATE I (BUD 533) Faculty: Dr. Sandra Roscoe and Susan Stewart #f79c00 Learn about the Sautrantika presentation of the

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