16 08, 2023

Non-Thinking through Clear Thinking

2024-03-26T09:41:45-07:00Categories: Blog, Cittamatra, Karl Brunnholzl, Mahamudra, Mind Only, Shedra, Summer Institute, Yogacara|

Non-Thinking through Clear ThinkingIt sometimes feels like study proliferates our thoughts, when what we really want is for the mind to be still. But our thoughts are a tool. We can use them to undermine our belief in solidity. In fact, Nitartha’s Clear Thinking course offers a method to arrive at non-thought, which is one aspect of the experience of meditation.Dignaga and Dharmakirti analyzed language, words and clauses, and observed that among those the most elemental unit of expression is a word which is imbued with meaning. They noted that thoughts are language and concluded that language is the same as logical operations, and that the expression of

11 04, 2023

Yogacara: the remedy for the poor diet of “Mind Only”

2023-04-11T16:55:53-07:00Categories: Blog, Cittamatra, Karl Brunnholzl, Mahamudra, Mind Only, Shedra, Summer Institute, Yogacara|

Yogacara: the remedy for the poor diet of "Mind Only" by Mitra Dr. Karl Brunnhölzl. Mitra Brunnhölzl will be teaching on Yogacara at July's Summer Institute. To remedy the poor diet of “Mind-Only” always being refuted by Madhyamaka as the highest Buddhist view and do justice to the great Indian Mahayana Yogacara tradition, recent teachings on Vasubandhu’s Thirty Verses by H.H. the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, extensively discuss the need to review the way Tibetan doxographies present the so-called “Mind-Only School” in light of the classical Yogacara School in India and China. Yogacara is (mis)represented as “Mind-Only” for three main reasons: superficial and out-of-context judgments based on

13 04, 2021

Explanation Of The Seventh Consciousness

2024-09-19T11:13:06-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Cittamatra, Consciousness, Featured, Mind Only|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from 2008 Commentary on Mind Only Tenet System by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. This is included in the section, Ways Of Asserting Perceiving Minds III, of the sourcebook we use in our Cittamatra course. Some topics we learn about in details in the course are: Distinctions of the greater and lesser vehicles Mind only scriptural sources, definition The meaning of the term “mind only,” examples Mind only school reasonings Real aspectarians and false aspectarians Presentation of the three natures Definition of mind; self-awareness All-base

15 03, 2021

The Wheel Of Analytical Meditation by DPR

2021-06-16T08:57:29-07:00Categories: Analytical Meditation, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Mind & Its World, Mind Only|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications.This excerpt is taken from our ebook that we are giving away this year, Analytical Meditation: Taming the Mind. Please sign up here to receive this detailed, 20-page ebook on analytical meditation by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. The Wheel Of Analytical Meditation Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche In a different text by Lama Mipham, he says that meditation devoid of analysis is like falling asleep and is therefore not beneficial. That is why analysis is taught to be important in our approach to the Buddhist teachings. When we analyze, we do so based

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