15 05, 2021

What is Analytical Meditation ?

2022-03-11T11:59:07-08:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Analytical Meditation, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche|Tags: , , , , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Sign up and receive the detailed instruction on Analytical Meditation: Taming the Mind by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.What is analytical meditation?The first step in a session of analytical meditation thus is the proper attitude and motivation. The second step is to sit in the correct posture. For analytical meditation, the physical posture is straightforward. Simply sit with crossed legs, keeping your back as straight as possible while at the same time staying relaxed. The upper part of the body should feel light, while the lower part of the body should feel more weighty and stable.After taking our seat with good meditation posture, we begin

11 05, 2021

How Bodhisattvas Take Birth in Samsara

2021-08-19T12:39:40-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Buddha Nature course. This course is part of Level 4, along with Cittamatra. The teachings on Buddha Nature present an overview of the Tathāgatagarbha, or Buddha Nature tradition, the view of the luminous essence of awakening, the heart of goodness shared by all beings. Our exploration will rely on the key section of Uttaratantra of Maitreya (ca. 4th century) which establishes Buddha nature through three reasonings, its ten facets, nine analogies and five reasons why it is necessary to

21 04, 2021

Explanation Of Generalities

2021-08-19T12:45:08-07:00Categories: Abhidharma, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Mind & Its World, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This course completes the introductory exposition of topics drawn from the Pramāna and Abhidhama traditions, based on the Classifications of Mind and Collected Topics root text. It provides students with the tools for delineating conceptual and non-conceptual mind in meditation, known as the essential modes of engagement of mind. This is followed by the exposition of Buddhist psychology —classification of consciousness into primary minds and mental events. EXPLANATION OF GENERALITIES Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen Some of the definitions in the Lorik differ from the definitions given in the Collected

13 04, 2021

Explanation Of The Seventh Consciousness

2021-08-19T12:46:19-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Cittamatra, Consciousness, Mind Only|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from 2008 Commentary on Mind Only Tenet System by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. This is included in the section, Ways Of Asserting Perceiving Minds III, of the sourcebook we use in our Cittamatra course. Some topics we learn about in details in the course are: Distinctions of the greater and lesser vehicles Mind only scriptural sources, definition The meaning of the term “mind only,” examples Mind only school reasonings Real aspectarians and false aspectarians Presentation of the three natures Definition of mind; self-awareness All-base consciousness;

7 05, 2020


2021-05-27T11:59:48-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Analytical Meditation, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Summer Institute|Tags: , |

Manifest & Hidden Phenomena Join us online this year for Nitartha’s Summer Institute! Nitartha’s Summer Institute is a month-long program divided into three 9-day sessions, with courses continuing from one session to another. You are welcome to join us for one, two, or all three sessions! This year, the Summer Institute will be held online rather than in person. It is our wish that these opportunities to study and practice the dharma will be helpful during these difficult times, wherever you are in the world. We are pleased to announce: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche (sessions 1 and 2) will teach daily on Entering the Way of the

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