15 03, 2025

Drawing the Awakened Heart

2025-03-15T15:35:59-07:00Categories: Blog, Science of Creative Arts|

Learn the skills of thangka drawing or progress along this creative journey as part of this year's 2025 Summer Institute! The science of the creative arts is one of the 5 Sciences studied in ancient Buddhist universities such as Nalanda, and continues to be studied in the present day Nitartha Institute. Within the sphere of science of the creative arts we explore thangka painting which is a very powerful tool in the development of the visualization and creation stage practices. Many students have had their visualizations become easier to generate and much clearer. Studio classes are a natural environment for shamatha. One's mind naturally focuses and relaxes on

27 12, 2024

Spring Semester Courses 2025

2024-12-27T10:42:58-08:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Analytical Meditation, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Intermediate Curriculum, Jirka Hladis, Mind & Its World, Paths & Bhumis, Sautrantika, Semester Course, Semester Courses, Tibetan, Vaibhashika, Valid Cognition|

We are looking forward to a full 2025 spring semester, with a broad range of course options from which to choose, including: FOUNDATION LEVEL BUD 600  |  Analytical Meditation II    Faculty: Jirka Hladiš Analytical meditation: a form of debate without a partner. The function of analytical meditation is to bring the view being studied into one’s own experience. It lifts the words out of the book and places them into our heart. The words go from being out there to being part of our innermost being, integrated. That is the essential function of analytical meditation. Through this effort to analyze we become curious about how our mind works.

17 12, 2024

TNT 420 Teacher-In-Training Seminar

2024-12-18T08:42:31-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-semester, registration|

TNT 420 Teacher-In-Training Seminar Faculty: {!{types field='faculty' style='text'}!}{!{/types}!} Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is committed to training Buddhist teachers as an essential key to establishing the living Buddhadharma in the West. Nitartha’s Teachers in Training program is for approved students who have completed the Foundation and Intermediate curricula and who are passionate about teaching the Nitartha curriculum. For more information about Nitartha's Teachers in Training program, contact Dr. Francis Sullivan at francis.sullivan@cogentbio.com. PREREQUISITE: Prior admission to the Teacher-In-Training program DATES & TIMES: {!{types field='dow'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='course-dates'}!}{!{/types}!}, {!{types field='meeting-times'}!}{!{/types}!} WHAT YOU WILL BE INTRODUCED TO: (This is a

19 08, 2024
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LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan

2024-12-18T08:49:23-08:00Categories: reg-EN, reg-language, reg-semester, registration|

LAN 510 Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan (continued) Also taught by Nima Bhuti, this course is a continuation of the 2024  fall semester intermediate colloquial Tibetan course. This course is for students with an established grounding in colloquial Tibetan. The focus will be to gain further fluency in reading, speaking, listening, and understanding Tibetan using the Central Tibetan dialect. Classes are mostly Tibetan with minimal English. Required Texts: Speak Fluent Tibetan by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Peltsok (Google Books) Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way by Nyima Dekyi (Google Books) PREREQUISITE: Although this is a continuing course from the 2024  fall semester, you are

14 08, 2024

Fall Semester Courses 2024

2024-08-14T12:36:02-07:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Intermediate Curriculum, Semester Course|

We are looking forward to a full 2024 fall semester, with a broad range of course options from which to choose, including: FOUNDATION LEVEL   BUD 500  |  Analytical Meditation I Faculty: Jirka Hladiš Course Description: This course is a systematic training in the meditation of special insight following the approach of the Abhidharma tradition. Students learn the skills to gain certainty in the view of selflessness through the practice of the Four Applications of Mindfulness, cultivating inferential wisdom and bringing it to personal experience. Additional Course Description: Through a series of analytical meditations, students will train in the sequential entry into the view of identitylessnes - dependent

30 05, 2024

Buddha Nature: The Most Powerful Antidote

2024-05-31T14:40:03-07:00Categories: Blog, Mahamudra, Meditation|

Buddha Nature: The Most Powerful Antidote Written by Israel Lifshitz We, as 21st century Westerners, have a strong historical, religious and cultural background of low self-esteem and self-deprecation. Our ideas about sin and guilt are so deeply ingrained that even the non-religious, free thinking scientist Sigmund Freud said in Civilization and Its Discontents: "Due to our own psychic constitution we have a limited capacity for virtue and happiness, and therefore, we must feel satisfied with a moderate level of mental balance and wellbeing."* This is not a minor issue. It can even work as our biggest obstacle to progressing along the Buddhist path. If deep down in our

12 05, 2024

Key Qualities of Mahamudra Meditation

2024-05-12T14:21:54-07:00Categories: Blog, Mahamudra, Meditation|

Key Qualities of Mahamudra Meditation Written by Michael Miller Nitartha CFO Nalandabodhi Karunika and Practice Instructor As we embark on our journey through the Mahamudra practices, it is important to note the differences between Mahamudra meditation and simple shamatha. The differences are subtle but profound, and we can miss the point entirely if we do not know them. First, renunciation or revulsion is important. We need to develop some sense of giving in, some sense of renunciation. This does not mean going off to a cave and giving up all our worldly possessions. But it does mean that we must be willing to give up our fixed

30 04, 2024

Improve your meditation with thangka drawing

2024-05-03T11:03:08-07:00Categories: Blog, Meditation, Science of Creative Arts, Shamatha|

Drawing the Awakened Heart Improve your meditation with thangka drawing, one of the courses offered by Nitartha’s Department of Science of Creativity and the Arts. This is a powerful tool for developing our visualization and creation stage practices. After taking this course, many students have found it easier to generate their visualizations and with greater clarity. Studio classes are also a natural environment for practicing shamatha meditation. One's mind relaxes and simply focuses on drawing, which can be a very calming experience. Nitartha teaches thangka drawing based on the Karma Gadri Lineage. One of the four major schools of Tibetan thangka painting, we begin by learning the

30 04, 2024

Mind and Its World II: How Mind Engages with its World

2024-04-30T10:13:08-07:00Categories: Blog, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World, Shedra|

Mind and Its World II: How Mind Engages with its World After exploring how mind cognizes in a valid or non-valid way in the first course in the Mind and Its World series, we are ready to look at how the mind works from the perspective of the way in which it engages with its objects, also known as “modes of engagement.” We spend a lot of our time engaged with our concepts, though we are rarely aware of this. Of course the conceptual mind is very useful, we need it to navigate our experiences of the world. But it is not a direct perception, it does not

25 04, 2024

Dharma without Compromise: How to take our practice off the cushion

2024-04-25T15:11:02-07:00Categories: Blog, Buddhist Studies, Jirka Hladis, Meditation, Shedra|

Dharma without Compromise: How to take our practice off the cushion Advice for those familiar with insight meditation and the study of the view, based on an oral presentation by Jirka Hladis. You might ask, “How can I use my formal dharma studies and meditation in practical ways, in everyday life?” This is an excellent question, because practicing the dharma is not meant to be limited to sitting on the cushion, but rather, it is intended to be applied and developed in all areas of our lives: home, work, school and community. Insight into egolessness or emptiness cannot be created in post-meditation without having had an experience or

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