13 05, 2021

Reissuing Nitartha Series Books

2021-05-27T10:33:12-07:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Karl Brunnholzl|Tags: , , , , |

Shambhala publications is reissuing two of Nitartha series books by Karl Brunnholzl. In Praise of Dharmadhatu Nāgārjuna’s works sit at the heart of Mahāyāna Buddhist thought and practice, but he was renowned in Asia not only for his Madhyamaka work, but also his poetic collection of praises, most famously In Praise of Dharmadhatu. This book explores the scope, contents, and significance of Nāgārjuna’s scriptural legacy in India and Tibet, focusing primarily on this seminal work. The translation of Nāgārjuna’s hymn to buddha nature—here called dharmadhatu—shows how buddha nature is temporarily obscured in the experience of ordinary sentient beings, gradually uncovered through the path of bodhisattvas, and finally revealed

11 05, 2021

How Bodhisattvas Take Birth in Samsara

2021-08-19T12:39:40-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Buddha Nature course. This course is part of Level 4, along with Cittamatra. The teachings on Buddha Nature present an overview of the Tathāgatagarbha, or Buddha Nature tradition, the view of the luminous essence of awakening, the heart of goodness shared by all beings. Our exploration will rely on the key section of Uttaratantra of Maitreya (ca. 4th century) which establishes Buddha nature through three reasonings, its ten facets, nine analogies and five reasons why it is necessary to

7 05, 2021

Skandha & Mental Events

2021-08-19T12:41:15-07:00Categories: Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum|Tags: , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Mind & Its World IV class. Mind & Its World IV presents the path and result of foundational Buddhism. Students explore classifications of knowable object into specifically and generally characterized phenomena as well as the Sautrantika’s distinct presentation of the five aggregates. The path consists of calm abiding (samatha) and superior insight (vipashyana). SKANDHA & MENTAL EVENTS ĀCHĀRYA KELSANG WANGDI BENEFIT OF STUDYING Two benefits come from studying the five skandhas as a basis for the practice of

4 05, 2021

Mind That Apprehends Particulars

2021-08-19T12:42:27-07:00Categories: Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Mind & Its World|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This is an excerpt from the sourcebook we use in our Mind & Its World II class. Mind & Its World II explores the criteria of valid cognition based on the teachings of the Pramāna tradition, or Buddhist epistemology. We will analyze our consciousness and determine to what degree it is in agreement with its observed object or not; what the difference is between non-mistaken, non-deceiving, conceptual and non-conceptual types of awareness. Practically speaking, this also provides the practitioner with the tools for delineating conceptual and nonconceptual types of mind

28 04, 2021

No Ground For The Two Realities (Part 2 of 2)

2021-08-19T12:43:21-07:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Karl Brunnholzl, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from The Center Of the Sunlit Sky by Karl Brunnholzl. This course is an exposition of the Middle Way philosophical tradition, based on Part One of The Center of the Sunlit Sky, expressed as the ground, path and fruition of Madhyamaka. Students explore classification of knowable objects into the two realities and cultivate certainty in the view of emptiness of all phenomena, formulating the five great Madhyamaka reasonings. The course includes presentation of personal identitylessness, the sevenfold analysis of the chariot. No Ground For

28 04, 2021

No Ground For The Two Realities (Part 1 of 2)

2021-08-19T12:44:13-07:00Categories: Advanced Curriculum, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Karl Brunnholzl, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from The Center Of the Sunlit Sky by Karl Brunnholzl. This course is an exposition of the Middle Way philosophical tradition, based on Part One of The Center of the Sunlit Sky, expressed as the ground, path and fruition of Madhyamaka. Students explore classification of knowable objects into the two realities and cultivate certainty in the view of emptiness of all phenomena, formulating the five great Madhyamaka reasonings. The course includes presentation of personal identitylessness, the sevenfold analysis of the chariot. No Ground For

21 04, 2021

Explanation Of Generalities

2021-08-19T12:45:08-07:00Categories: Abhidharma, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Mind & Its World, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. This course completes the introductory exposition of topics drawn from the Pramāna and Abhidhama traditions, based on the Classifications of Mind and Collected Topics root text. It provides students with the tools for delineating conceptual and non-conceptual mind in meditation, known as the essential modes of engagement of mind. This is followed by the exposition of Buddhist psychology —classification of consciousness into primary minds and mental events. EXPLANATION OF GENERALITIES Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen Some of the definitions in the Lorik differ from the definitions given in the Collected

13 04, 2021

Explanation Of The Seventh Consciousness

2024-09-19T11:13:06-07:00Categories: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Cittamatra, Consciousness, Featured, Mind Only|Tags: , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from 2008 Commentary on Mind Only Tenet System by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. This is included in the section, Ways Of Asserting Perceiving Minds III, of the sourcebook we use in our Cittamatra course. Some topics we learn about in details in the course are: Distinctions of the greater and lesser vehicles Mind only scriptural sources, definition The meaning of the term “mind only,” examples Mind only school reasonings Real aspectarians and false aspectarians Presentation of the three natures Definition of mind; self-awareness All-base

7 04, 2021

Minds That Apprehend Appearance

2021-08-19T12:47:27-07:00Categories: Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Foundation Curriculum, Lorik, Summer Institute|Tags: , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is an excerpt from Minds that Apprehend Appearance by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen. This is included in the sourcebook we use in our Mind & its World II course. This course completes the Classification of Mind (Lorik) root text, from the tradition of Pramāna or Buddhist epistemology that students begin in Mind and Its World I. MINDS THAT APPREHEND APPEARANCE Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen The second main section of the Lorik text is the specific analysis of the essential modes of engagement of the mind. It has five subsections.

7 04, 2021

Hearing, Contemplation & Meditation Part II of II

2021-08-19T12:48:28-07:00Categories: Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen, Blog, Buddhist Studies, Consciousness, Foundation Curriculum, Hinayana, Mind & Its World, Sautrantika, Summer Institute, Vaibhashika, Valid Cognition|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This excerpt is copyrighted material, please do not use or copy without written permission from Nitartha Publications. The following is part II of an excerpt from Commentary on Hinayana Tenets by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen (You can read part I here). This is included in the introduction section of the sourcebook we use in our Mind & its World I course. Some things we learn about in details in the course rare: Divisions of mind Definitions of valid cognition Definition of direct valid cognition Sense direct valid cognition Two truths in Vaibhashika and Sautrantika view Process of perception in Vaibhashika and Sautrantika view Mental direct valid cognition Self-aware

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